
Breast Reduction

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What is Breast Reduction?

许多博天堂旗舰版过大的女性可能会遭受各种各样的医疗问题以及博天堂旗舰版不适. 这些问题的范围从背部/颈部疼痛和皮肤刺激到骨骼畸形,甚至呼吸问题. In addition, bra straps may leave shoulder indentations. Performed by female plastic surgeons at The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville in Tennessee, breast reduction, or reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure that removes skin, fat, and glandular tissue from the breasts. Treatment makes the breasts smaller, lighter, and firmer, and can also be performed to reduce areola size.

Dr. Gingrass在纳什维尔为患者提供缩胸咨询

Breast Reduction Surgery

缩胸术在门诊病人全身麻醉下进行,通常需要两到三个小时才能完成. As with breast lifts, 博天堂旗舰版上的切口和随后的疤痕位置取决于需要切除多少组织来缓解症状. 我们的许多患者通过垂直或短疤痕减少获得最佳效果. 在这个过程中,切口被放置在乳晕周围并直接向下. 在其他需要切除重要皮肤和组织的病人中, 外科医生在乳晕周围做一个锚形切口,直下,然后在博天堂旗舰版下方的折痕处. After the incision is made, fat, 腺体组织和皮肤被取出,乳晕和乳头被重新定位. 抽脂术有时用于去除腋窝周围多余的脂肪. If only fat removal is required, we use liposuction exclusively.

在大多数复位手术中,乳头仍然附着在神经和血管上. In cases where breasts are extremely large, 乳晕和乳头可以完全切除,然后重新定位. 这将导致乳头感觉的丧失以及周围组织的感觉丧失. Stitches will be placed along the surgical incisions.

Schedule an online consultation with our surgeons to decide if a breast reduction is right for you. 

After Breast Reduction Surgery

After breast reduction surgery, 为了排出多余的液体,你可能会在每个博天堂旗舰版插入一些小管子. 手术区域将用纱布敷料和手术胸罩或保护性弹性绷带包裹. 手术后疼痛或不适通常会持续几天到一周. Two days after treatment, the bandages will be removed, 不过你还得继续穿手术文胸几周, until the bruising and swelling go down. After one week, any stitches on the outside will be removed; however, the majority of sutures are inside and will dissolve over time.

Breast Reduction Recovery

手术后第一次来月经时,你可能会感到博天堂旗舰版疼痛. 手术后几个月可能会出现随机的射痛,并且由于肿胀,您可能会感到乳头和博天堂旗舰版皮肤失去知觉. 麻木或感觉丧失通常在接下来的六周内逐渐消失, 但这种情况有时会在一些患者身上持续一年或更长时间. In a rare instance, the loss of sensation is permanent. Most patients return to work in about two weeks.

Schedule a Consultation

准备好预约我们的认证整形外科医生了? 今天博天堂旗舰版,安排您的咨询,开始您的审美之旅!

Potential Breast Reduction Risks

At our cosmetic surgery practice in Nashville, 我们进行了许多复位手术并取得了优异的效果. 然而,与任何手术一样,总是有并发症的可能性. 缩胸手术后的一些潜在并发症包括感染, excessive bleeding, or an adverse reaction to anesthesia. 手术可能会影响母乳喂养,因为在手术过程中切除了乳管. 在极少数情况下,乳头和周围组织可能会失去血液供应. 如果发生这种情况,乳晕和乳头通常可以用皮肤移植重建.

Meet the Doctors

了解我们的委员会认证的整形外科医生,以及为什么你应该选择两个RealSelf 500奖得主为您的下一个程序!

Meet the Doctors

了解我们的委员会认证的整形外科医生,以及为什么你应该选择两个RealSelf 500奖得主为您的下一个程序!

Breast Reduction Cost in Nashville

纳什维尔缩胸手术的费用取决于多种因素, including how much tissue is to be removed, whether a breast lift will also be performed, and the extent of the surgery. To get an accurate cost analysis, schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons to find out more.

Nashville Breast Reduction Surgery FAQs

All surgery has risks. 缩胸手术的潜在并发症包括如果血流改变,博天堂旗舰版组织的丢失(吸烟者的风险更大)。, asymmetry, scarring and potential breast-feeding impacts. To reduce risk to minimal levels, choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast surgery.

许多女性担心在生孩子之前做缩胸手术. 她们担心这可能会对她们的母乳喂养能力产生负面影响,或者她们的博天堂旗舰版可能会生长. 缩乳会降低母乳喂养成功的机会. 你应该在咨询的时候和你的整形医生讨论这些问题.

Each patient has a different experience with pain after surgery. 我们的大多数病人描述缩胸后的不适是轻微到中度的. Whatever the level, 我们会用处方的口服止痛药让你尽可能舒适地康复.

我们建议你联系你的保险公司,看看他们是否会支付你缩胸手术的费用. While we are happy to see you in our office, we do not participate with any insurance networks at this time.